The article titled "Crowdfunding in progress for Publishing radioactive contamination investigated by 4,000 citizens."
We shows maps 100 years after Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident, that estimated how the cesium 137 in various places of eastern Japan in 2111. We also analyzed and refers to the relationship between soil cesium contamination and food contamination in this book.
It will be 170pages full color A4size.
Currently it will be published in Japanese.
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◎Donate by the bank transfer
Postal Transfer:
Postal Transfer Account : 10090-85754261
Account Name: Minna no data site Unei Iinkai
Postal Transfer Account : 10090-85754261
Account Name: Minna no data site Unei Iinkai
Bank Account
Yuucho Bank Branch : Zero Zero Eight (Branch 008):
Interim : 8575426
Account Name: Minna no data site Unei Iinkai
Yuucho Bank Branch : Zero Zero Eight (Branch 008):
Interim : 8575426
Account Name: Minna no data site Unei Iinkai
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Please note that remittances to Japan cannot be made from certain financial institutions.
For details, please ask your local bank.
Please note that remittances to Japan cannot be made from certain financial institutions.
For details, please ask your local bank.
The donation will be spent carefully for maintaining this project, such as server maintenance, site maintenance and development, activities, printing and staff cost.
Thank you for your support in advance.
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